Illegally applied graffiti can have a negative impact on the livability and attractiveness of a city. The use of murals prevents the nuisance caused by graffiti and is therefore ideal for trouble spots or temporary demarcations.


turn vandalism into a place of connection
Save costs, enrich lives

Graffiti is present in many forms in many municipalities. From quick tags and doodling to activist graffiti, where people try to make a statement. Illegal graffiti does not have to be ugly but can be misplaced or mistaken for vandalism. Every year, municipalities spend a lot of money removing it, while others see it as a sport to apply graffiti again. Certain places that are often targeted can be left alone by applying a mural, increasing the quality of life for residents.

What we say, others don't overspray

In the world of graffiti, artists respect each other's work. On the street, it is rare to see someone spraying over another mural, which is referred to as "crossing out." At MooieMuur, we not only stop nuisance spots but also add value to walls that are meant to cover construction sites or shop renovations in shopping streets, creating space for window dressing.

White Cross Festival London Zoom Bewerkt
Den Bosch Afvalcontainers Bewerkt
Save Costs
Mooie muur cover Bewerkt
NK 240509 Karski 0562 copy
Everything is a Canvas
Stop Vandalism
Staedion Smitstraat Den Haag Mural
From companies to government Institutions
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bye bye illegal graffiti and hello mural!

Perhaps the most effective way to prevent unwanted graffiti is with a powerful and well-designed mural. MooieMuur develops the most beautiful murals in consultation with companies, government institutions, municipal authorities, and representatives of owner associations to prevent unwanted graffiti.

  • No quick tags, but a suitable and creative design
  • Professional murals, aligned with your goals
  • Inspiration instead of irritation
  • No more scrubbing or repainting walls

Never miss a good opportunity to highlight your business or local cause by making murals part of a campaign or a beautiful alternative to graffiti vandalism.

Mural Albert Cuyp Amsterdam Karski Anti-Graffiti
Muurschildering Albert Cuyp Amsterdam Karski
brands we
work for
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Fat phills logo diap